"Everyone has the potential to be better than they were yesterday. By being a part of BECA, one can become a better leader by learning from some of the most talented Black execs."

Briana Bruna

Marketing Intern, MBA Student

Briana Bruna is earning her MBA at Florida Atlantic University, specializing in Business Analytics. In addition to being a dedicated student, Briana has several years of experience in Digital Marketing, from SEO to Social Media Campaigns, cultivating results and creativity.

Briana earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and International Business from Florida International University, graduating with honors (Magna Cum Laude). While attending Florida International University, Briana served as Marketing Coordinator for the Student Government Association (SGA), where she increased their social media following by twenty percent. She also interned for THELAR Management Group as a Digital Marketing intern, and later became a Digital Marketing Coordinator for the company.

Looking to maximize her skills in Digital Marketing, Briana has earned several certifications, including Google Analytics and Google Ads, to create effective online-marketing strategies. Briana’s long-term goal is to be a CMO, assisting companies with increasing their brand awareness and connecting them to their target audience.